Tailored Stress Strategies for High Achievers 

tired of feeling overwhelmed, who want to experience

 Clarity, focus, and increased energy
without compromimsing their well-being

Difference between Stress and Anxiety

Stress Symptoms Mastery

goes beyond meditation and exercise 

Managing stress transcends simple mindfulness practices; it involves rewiring deep subconscious beliefs, overcoming self-sabotage, and mastering new coping skills through techniques such as DTR, Neuro-linguistic programming, Stressors control, Self-confidence building, and Resignification.

As your Stress & Anxiety Coach, I specialize in leading individuals like you towards peace of mind, refocused energy, and peak performance.

Together, we navigate the complexities of your stressors, your specific stress symptoms, restoring your mental, physical, and emotional well-being for a balanced and fulfilling life.

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I’ve been through the stress & anxiety journey myself

and I know it can feel like an uphill battle

Here are some negative consequences  I wish someone had told me when I was struggling with chronic stress:

*Impaired Productivity: Feeling overwhelmed can seriously affect your ability to focus, causing even simple tasks to take longer than usual, which only adds to your stress

*Physical Stress Symptoms: Chronic stress often shows up in the body, causing issues like muscle tension, headaches, and even back pain. Many days were disrupted by persistent discomfort and exhaustion.

*Procrastination:  Instead of tackling responsibilities right away, they were pushed to the last minute, creating unnecessary pressure and a cycle of stress.

*Overthinking: Racing thoughts and constant overanalyzing of even the smallest decisions consumed a lot of mental energy. 

*Reduced Enjoyment: During moments meant for relaxation or fun, there was often a lingering sense of unease, making it hard to fully appreciate the experience.

*Impact on Relationships: It often led to misunderstandings and emotional distance from loved ones, as stress-related irritability created friction in relationships.

*Sleep Disturbances: Stress disrupts sleep patterns, leading to restless nights and difficulty falling or staying asleep. Waking up tired and drained made it harder to face the day and compounded the stress.

*Emotional Toll: The constant burden of stress took an emotional toll, causing periods of irritability, frustration, and sadness. 

*Isolation: Stress often led to avoidance of social situations, leaving you feeling isolated. Invitations to events or gatherings were turned down, resulting in missed opportunities for connection and a growing sense of loneliness.

*Health Effects: Stress can negatively impact overall health. There was a noticeable decline in physical well-being, with less exercise, poor eating habits, and a general lack of self-care becoming the norm.

however, When you overcome it effectively

you finally get the life you deserve

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anxiety coach, stress and anxiety coach, overcome anxiety, stress relief

Having learned how to manage chronic and dysfunctional stress myself, and having guided others through the process, I know firsthand the profound benefits waiting for you.

Mastering your stress:

*Will help you feel more like yourself again: You’ll regain the energy and sense of well-being to fully engage in your life-at work, with family, and in social settings.

*Will allow you to manage constant worries and racing thoughts: You’ll experience calm and clarity, leading to better decision-making and peaceful sleep.

*Will enhance your professional performance: Reduced stress will boost your concentration, creativity, and productivity, empowering you to excel in your career with confidence and precision.

*Will improve your physical and mental well-being: Managing stress fosters self-compassion and self-care, helping you love and appreciate your body and mind for all they do.

*Will strengthen your resilience to handle life’s challenges: By mastering stress management, you’ll develop the confidence and adaptability to thrive in uncertain or changing circumstances, ensuring long-term personal and professional growth.

Learning to manage stress isn’t just about relief-it’s about unlocking your full potential and creating a more balanced, fulfilling life.

Here’s how I can help you master stress and restore control over your performance and well-being


it’s helping you overcome stress by controlling your stressors, racing thoughts, and your overwhelming emotions

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Introducing the TICER Program: a personalized 1:1 coaching journey designed to help you overcome chronic stress and anxiety in just 30 days.

Here’s what we’ll achieve with TICER:

1.-Control Your Stress and Anxiety Triggers: Stop the cycle of overthinking and rumination by effectively identifying and managing your stressors.

2.-Manage Racing Thoughts: Regain control over your inner dialogue, establish healthy boundaries, and boost your confidence and self-esteem.

3.-Untangle Emotional Overwhelm: Handle the spectrum of emotions associated with stress and anxiety, building resilience to face future challenges with confidence.

4.-Reignite Your Confidence: Overcome self-doubt and criticism as you rediscover your inner strengths and sense of self-assurance.

5.-Achieve Deep Relaxation Quickly: Learn how to enter a state of deep relaxation within minutes, wherever you are, using DTR techniques pioneered in Silicon Valley to effectively de-stress.

Best of all, we’ll connect through convenient 90-minute Zoom sessions, allowing you to transform your relationship with stress from anywhere in the world.

If this resonates with you, now’s the time to act. Many clients across Europe and United States have already transformed their lives, conquering stress in just 30 days.

Your discovery call is completely free—book it today, and let’s take that first step together!

anxiety-management-book, anxiety coach

Why you should trust me right?

About 10 years ago, I was buried in a high-pressure job at a hectic French multinational, feeling the weight of stress and overwhelm daily. Despite the classic signs of emotional burnout, I kept pushing until I hit a wall—burning out completely. What followed was four years of living with High-Functioning Anxiety, where I looked fine on the outside but felt trapped by constant worry and overthinking.

I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to go through what I did. You don’t need to reach that breaking point. I’ve been there, and now, as a certified ICF coach specializing in Stress and Anxiety, I’ve turned my experience into a way to help others. My TICER methodology combines everything I’ve learned to help you regain control of your emotions and find balance before it’s too late.

If you’re ready to take that first step toward a more balanced life, I’m here to help.

You don’t have to do this alone—just take a look at the transformations my clients have made.

Let’s work together to overcome stress and anxiety.

Deep relaxation to de-stress

Here’s a look at the impressive results my clients have achieved

Real stories of people like you  

You deserve to reclaim your life

Let’s start talking about it

 “Your Happiness begins

where Stress & Anxiety end”