High-functioning anxiety is a double-edged sword. On the surface, they appear successful, excelling at work and meeting deadlines. However, beneath...
Do Stress or Anxiety go away with medication?
While stress and anxiety medication can certainly help alleviate symptoms, it doesn't offer a cure or an effective anxiety or stress treatment....
What is anxiety ?
Understanding what is anxiety is pivotal for effective control, as it empowers you to identify triggers, develop coping strategies, and cultivate...
Recognizing Self-Sabotage as an Anxiety Symptom
Is self-sabotaging a symptom of Anxiety? We all have moments where we do things that undermine our own success or happiness. But for those of us...
3 Anxiety do’s and don’ts
I understand the turmoil anxiety can bring, how it can feel like a tempestuous wave crashing against your mind, body, and emotions. In light of...
How Low Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem Fuel Your Insecurities
Did you know that Self-esteem and self-confidence are built on our past experience, personal thoughts, behaviors, feelings and or actions. If I will...