Tailored Stress Strategies for High Achievers 

tired of feeling overwhelmed, who want to experience

 Clarity, focus, and increased energy
without compromimsing their well-being

Difference between Stress and Anxiety

Stress Symptoms Mastery

goes beyond meditation and exercise 

Managing stress transcends simple mindfulness practices; it involves rewiring deep subconscious beliefs, overcoming self-sabotage, and mastering new coping skills through techniques such as hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, self-confidence building, and resignification.

To truly thrive amidst life’s challenges, you require guidance from an expert who provides tailored tools and techniques.

As your Stress & Anxiety Coach, I specialize in leading individuals towards peace of mind, refocused energy, and peak performance.

Together, we navigate the complexities of stress symptoms, restoring your mental, physical, and emotional well-being for a balanced and fulfilling life.

anxiety relief anxiety management anxiety coach anxiety relief for woman without medication

I’ve been through the stress & anxiety journey myself

and I know it can feel like an uphill battle.

Here are some things I wish someone had told me when I was in your shoes:

*Impaired Productivity: Overwhelm can mess with your focus, making you need more time to complete tasks, which increases your sense of stress. For instance, simple work assignments took longer to finish, leading to tight deadlines and heightened anxiety.

*Physical Stress Symptoms:  Stress can manifest as muscle tension and headaches. Days were often marred by persistent back pain and frequent headaches.

*Procrastination: Stress and Anxiety can lead to procrastination. Instead of addressing tasks promptly, they were put off until the last minute, causing unnecessary pressure.

*Overthinking: Racing thoughts can be overwhelming. Excessive worry about the smallest decisions, consumed mental energy and left little room for enjoyment.

*Reduced Enjoyment: Stress and Anxiety can steal joy from life’s moments. Even during enjoyable activities, there was an underlying feeling of unease and an inability to fully savor the experience.

*Impact on Relationships: Stress and Anxiety can affect interactions with loved ones. It often led to misunderstandings, as anxious thoughts sometimes caused emotional distance.

*Sleep Disturbances: Stress and Anxiety disrupt sleep patterns. Nights were spent tossing and turning, unable to find rest, resulting in grogginess and fatigue during the day.

*Emotional Toll: Emotional exhaustion was common. The constant battle with stress took an emotional toll, leading to periods of sadness and irritability.

*Isolation: Stress can lead to isolation. Social events were sometimes skipped due to it, causing a sense of loneliness and missed opportunities for connection.

*Health Effects: Stress and Anxiety can impact overall health. There was a noticeable decline in physical well-being, including a lack of exercise and changes in your eating patterns.

Reduce stress at work stress symptoms

however, When you overcome it effectively

you finally get the life you deserve

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Having overcome anxiety myself and guided my clients to their own relief, I understand the immense rewards awaiting you.

These compelling reasons should inspire you to take that crucial step toward receiving the support you need for your anxiety relief journey.

Getting your anxiety relief:

*Will make you feel like the person you used to be: You’ll regain your old self, able to engage in activities like driving, going out with friends, and traveling without anxiety holding you back.

*Will help you control your persistent worries, fears, and ruminating thoughts: No more sleepless nights or endless cycles of negative thinking. You’ll finally have peace of mind.

*Will make you feel normal again: Anxiety can make you feel isolated, but overcoming it will help you reconnect with others and feel like a part of the world again.

*Will make you enjoy life’s small moments with loved ones: You’ll cherish everyday moments with family and friends without the cloud of anxiety obscuring your joy.

*Will improve your work performance: With reduced anxiety, you’ll focus better, make clearer decisions, and perform at your best in your career.

*Will make you love yourself and your body: Overcoming anxiety often involves self-acceptance and self-compassion, helping you embrace your true self.

*Will boost your self-confidence to manage uncertainty and change: You’ll gain the resilience to navigate life’s ups and downs with confidence, knowing you can handle whatever comes your way.


anxiety coach, stress and anxiety coach, overcome anxiety, stress relief

here’s what i’m bringing to overcome stress and anxiety to get your peace of mind back


it’s helping you overcome stress by controlling your triggers, racing thoughts, and your overwhelming emotions

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I understand how overwhelming stress can be; I’ve been there too for 4 years. This is why I know what you need get your anxiety relief.

The TICER program, it’s a personalized 1:1 coaching journey that can free you from stress and anxiety’s grip in just 30 days.

With TICER, we’ll achieve these vital milestones:

1º-Control Your Stress and Anxiety Triggers: Put an end to the constant rumination, catastrophizing, and overthinking by effectively identifying and managing your fears.

2º-Manage Your Racing Thoughts: Regain control over your inner dialogue, set healthy boundaries, and boost your self-esteem and confidence.

3º-Untangle Your Emotional Overwhelm: Learn to handle the spectrum of emotions that come with your overwhelming stress and anxiety, from frustration and guilt to shame and fear. This newfound resilience will help you face future challenges with confidence.

4º-Reignite Your Confidence: Bid farewell to self-doubt, self-judgment, and self-criticism as you rediscover your inner strengths.

What’s even better? We’ll connect via Zoom for convenient 90-minute sessions, making this transformative journey accessible no matter where you are.

If this resonates with you, it’s time to take action. Clients from all across Europe have already embraced this transformative path to conquer their overwhelming stress and anxiety in just 30 days.

So, how about we have a chat and kickstart your journey to stress and anxiety relief?

Your discovery call is absolutely free.

Book it and let’s begin your unique journey to anxiety relief.

anxiety-management-book, anxiety coach

Why you should trust me, right?

But let me tell you, 10 years ago I was knee-deep in a job at this super hectic French multinational company. It was one of those high-pressure places, and I was feeling the stress big time.

The thing is, even though I was dealing with all the classic symptoms of emotional overwhelm and anxiety, I just couldn’t find the courage to ask for help or make a change.

I kept pushing myself until I hit a breaking point. I ended up burning out, and let me tell you, it was a real rough patch.

I didn’t just stop at burnout;

I developed something called High Functioning Anxiety disorder, which pretty much ruled my life for over four years.

I’m sharing this with you because I don’t want you to go through what I did. I don’t want you to reach that breaking point or live with feeling overwhelmed, ruminating and feeling anxious 24/7.

So, today, I’m here as someone who’s been through it all – the stress, the anxiety, and the journey to recovery. I’m also a certified ICF Coach now, specializing in Stress and Anxiety control, which also means emotional overwhelm management.

I’ve put together everything I’ve learned, from both personal experience and professional training, so that you don’t have to go through what I did. It’s all about taking control of your emotions and your life so you can truly be happy.

I’m here to help you on this journey. So, if you’re ready to take the first step toward a happier, more balanced life, I’m here to support you.

Don’t just take my word for it; explore the experiences of my clients. Witness firsthand the transformations they’ve undergone with my methodology TICER, a testament to the real impact I can have in guiding individuals like you toward overcoming stress and anxiety.



Anxiety relief anxiety management

You deserve to reclaim your life

Let’s start talking about it

 “Your Happiness begins

where Stress & Anxiety end”